Thursday, April 25, 2013

Count to 3.

I am waiting for the day Munchkin calls my bluff. Its going to happen, its just a matter of time.

When that happens, the power of 3 will be gone. Every parent knows what I am talking about.

Asking hasnt worked, all the negotiations are done, begging/pleading has failed, bribery resulted in nada...then you pull it out.

1, 2, 3.

I am going to count to 3. Before I get to three you better be marching upstairs/starting clean up/picking up the toy/whatever it is. It better happen before I get to 3. Otherwise....

In theory, this is a great plan. But it has a fatal flaw.

EVERY PARENT is deathly afraid of getting to 3. So we stall, this is how it goes in my house.

Munchkin I have asked you to pick up your clothes, you need to pick up your clothes, I am going to count to 3. You better start picking up your clothes before I get to three. And so I begin to count,

1 (Munchkin shows no signs of moving)

2 (Munchkin shows absolutely zero signs of moving, she actually has sunk further into the sofa)

now the fear sets in, what if I get to 3. So I stall, Ok Munchkin you really dont want me to get to 3. So you better do what I am asking you to do.

And I start again (see the delay tactic!)

1 (Munchkin shows no signs of moving)

2 (Munchkin shows absolutely zero signs of moving)

GODDAMNIT why does this kid always have to be so defiant. Why cant it just be easy to get her to pick up the damn toy. Of course at this point, I couldnt care less if Munchkin picks up the toy or not. I actually dont care if the toy sits there forever. But now the 1,2,3 dance has begun and I cant back down. So, time to reset again. Munchkin, dont test my patience. If I get to 3 you will be in alot of trouble.

1 (Please God, I beg you. MAKE THIS KID MOVE)

2 (Was that a movement? Was that a flutter of movement. PLEASE let it be..)

Munchkin gets up.


Once again, the power of 1, 2, 3 has been preserved, to be used another day.

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