Dont be that mom. Just dont. Its hard to resist and I have forgotten and said something mindless...and I always regret it. JUST DONT BE THAT MOM.
We all know a mom like this. You know that one annoying mom who no matter what you say, her kid does it better, longer, and more amazingly then your kid. It doesnt matter what it is...The conversation goes something like this.
Me: Munchkin is going through the terrible twos. Its hell. Her tantrums are really tough.
Annoying Mom: Oh my kid is the worst. You dont know what tantrums are. You should see my kid.
Honestly, I want to turn to that mom and say, "Hey lady, this isnt a competition there is no award for whose kid is worse..... so calm one is taking home any gold medals today!
But for annoying mom, it doesnt matter if the convo is positive or negative. All that matters is
Parenting is tough enough. Its hard being Mama 24/7. You doubt yourself so much. You question every minute detail and sometimes the only thing that saves you from jumping off the cliff is other moms. The ability to chat with other women who understand what we are going through, who make us feel normal about something small that has been torturing us.
Until annoying mom enters the scenario. I have watching that mom make people feel worse about themselves, Ive seen new moms eyes fill with a sheen of tears as annoying mom tells them about the wonderful nap schedule their 3 month old is on. Just as that new mom has finished saying her kid has absolutely no nap schedule and she is struggling to cop.
So dont be that mom.
Why do I keep saying that, because as sad as it is. Its easy to become that mom. We dont even know it when we cross over into being awful annoying mom. It happens so quickly and without THOUGHT.
It happened to me the other day. My older sis had a son right when I had cupcake. She was complaining about his sleep patterns and how much trouble she is having with him at night. And I decided (I have no clue why?) to tell her that Cupcake was sleeping 8 hrs at a stretch at night. I HATED MYSELF. As the words poured out of my mouth, I hated myself. But I couldnt stop it. And there I was annoying awful mom... Luckily my sister laughed and reminded me about my telling her about the concept of annoying awful mom. She actually told me to blog about it.
Just dont be that annoying mom. Guard against it. Fight it. The next time you feel the words bubbling up, squash them....
and if you meet an annoying mom, know she is lying. know that her child is not perfect, nor is he/she worse then your child, know that you are simply talking to another frightenned mom who copes by pretending.
We all know a mom like this. You know that one annoying mom who no matter what you say, her kid does it better, longer, and more amazingly then your kid. It doesnt matter what it is...The conversation goes something like this.
Me: Munchkin is going through the terrible twos. Its hell. Her tantrums are really tough.
Annoying Mom: Oh my kid is the worst. You dont know what tantrums are. You should see my kid.
Honestly, I want to turn to that mom and say, "Hey lady, this isnt a competition there is no award for whose kid is worse..... so calm one is taking home any gold medals today!
But for annoying mom, it doesnt matter if the convo is positive or negative. All that matters is
Parenting is tough enough. Its hard being Mama 24/7. You doubt yourself so much. You question every minute detail and sometimes the only thing that saves you from jumping off the cliff is other moms. The ability to chat with other women who understand what we are going through, who make us feel normal about something small that has been torturing us.
Until annoying mom enters the scenario. I have watching that mom make people feel worse about themselves, Ive seen new moms eyes fill with a sheen of tears as annoying mom tells them about the wonderful nap schedule their 3 month old is on. Just as that new mom has finished saying her kid has absolutely no nap schedule and she is struggling to cop.
So dont be that mom.
Why do I keep saying that, because as sad as it is. Its easy to become that mom. We dont even know it when we cross over into being awful annoying mom. It happens so quickly and without THOUGHT.
It happened to me the other day. My older sis had a son right when I had cupcake. She was complaining about his sleep patterns and how much trouble she is having with him at night. And I decided (I have no clue why?) to tell her that Cupcake was sleeping 8 hrs at a stretch at night. I HATED MYSELF. As the words poured out of my mouth, I hated myself. But I couldnt stop it. And there I was annoying awful mom... Luckily my sister laughed and reminded me about my telling her about the concept of annoying awful mom. She actually told me to blog about it.
Just dont be that annoying mom. Guard against it. Fight it. The next time you feel the words bubbling up, squash them....
and if you meet an annoying mom, know she is lying. know that her child is not perfect, nor is he/she worse then your child, know that you are simply talking to another frightenned mom who copes by pretending.